Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Blob

I seriously cannot take much more of this sedentary life.

On one hand, I have a solid fear of not healing properly and needing additional surgery. Last night I woke up convinced that I'd heard or felt something crack in my collarbone. It took me until I got up this morning to feel reassured that it was just a dream, and that it's OK....probably.

On the other hand, I'm watching my weight go up, the few muscles I have are decaying, and my clothes don't fit right anymore. Plus my digestion and sleep are out of whack too, and I know all of this relates to lack of activity.

I see the doc Monday. I assume there will be new x-rays, and I sure hope they are better than the last set. Hopefully the stitches will come out, the big bandage will come off, and I'll be in better shape to start doing things like walking the neighborhood or using the stationary bike.

Much more of this sitting around, and I'm afraid my butt cheeks are gonna fuse into one mass that's permanently bonded to this damn chair. It's time to get moving again.

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